Prada Esplanade Leather Replica Bag Green
Prada Esplanade Leather Replica Bag Green
A Prada Esplanade bag crafted in Saffiano and calf leathers. Gold-colored Prada lettering, padlock and hardware embellish the piece, while the detachable leather shoulder strap lends versatility.
Saffiano and calf leathers
Double leather handle
Detachable adjustable leather shoulder strap
Gold-finish hardware
Metal lettering logo
Zipper closure and lock
Three inside pockets, including one with zipper closure
Prada logo lining
25 cm Height
15 cm Length
32 cm Width
100% Genuine Matching Quality of an Original Prada Production (imported from Europe) Comes with dust bag, authentication cards, shopping gift bag and pamphlets. Counter Quality Replica (Mirror Image Replica)
You will receive item exactly as advertised. These pictures belong to our Manufacturer.
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